
Benzodiazepine Detox in San Diego

San Diego California's Premier Treatment Facility

Benzodiazepine Detox in San Diego, CA

When persons taking Benzos for six months or longer try to quit, one-third will experience health problems, including seizures. The first step when treating benzodiazepine addiction in San Diego, CA, is medical detoxification (including Ativan, Ambien, Klonopin, Xanax, and Valium).

Patients can continue their treatment after their health has stabilized by participating in inpatient or outpatient cognitive therapy and counseling programs. Many inpatient programs provide facilities and settings comparable to those found at home, allowing patients to recover comfortably and soothingly.

What is Benzodiazepine?

Benzodiazepines are prescription medications used to treat anxiety and insomnia for over 50 years. According to a study published in the journal Addiction, researchers have been concerned about the link between these medications and addiction for a long time.

These researchers are so concerned that they have written over 60,000 articles that use terms like dependence and misuse combined with benzodiazepines.

Most people who use benzodiazepines do so to treat a medical condition. Thousands more use these pills recreationally; many have no idea how these substances work or why they might lead to addiction. This knowledge has not reached the public, despite the addiction hazards associated with these drugs.

Benzodiazepines come in a variety of formulations, including:

Benzodiazepine Detox In San Diego
Benzodiazepine Detox In San Diego

We provide a safe, comfortable, and effective environment to our patients.

Signs of Benzodiazepine Addiction

Increased Tolerance

Individuals developing a tolerance to benzodiazepines may find that, over time, they need higher doses to achieve the same effects. This escalation can contribute to the risk of addiction.

Physical Dependence

Dependence on benzodiazepines may manifest with the development of withdrawal symptoms when attempting to reduce or stop use. This physical reliance is a key indicator of addiction.

Compulsive Use

An inability to control or reduce benzodiazepine use, despite recognizing its negative impact on one’s life, may indicate addictive behavior. Compulsive use can lead to a cycle of escalating consumption.

Social Isolation

Individuals struggling with benzodiazepine addiction may withdraw from social activities, relationships, and responsibilities, preferring the isolation that allows for continued substance use.

Neglecting Responsibilities

A decline in meeting personal, professional, or academic responsibilities may be a sign of benzodiazepine addiction. Individuals may prioritize substance use over daily obligations.

Doctor Shopping

Seeking multiple healthcare providers or engaging in “doctor shopping” to obtain additional prescriptions for benzodiazepines is a red flag for potential addiction.

Changes in Mood and Behavior

Mood swings, irritability, and changes in behavior can be indicative of benzodiazepine addiction. These shifts may be linked to the drug’s impact on the central nervous system.

Risk-Taking Behavior

Engaging in risky behaviors, both personally and socially, while under the influence of benzodiazepines can signal the presence of addiction.

Loss of Interest in Hobbies

Individuals addicted to benzodiazepines may lose interest in activities they once enjoyed, as the drug takes precedence over previously fulfilling pursuits.

Financial Strain

The financial strain resulting from the cost of acquiring benzodiazepines or the consequences of neglecting work and financial responsibilities can be an indication of addiction.

Recognizing these signs of benzodiazepine addiction is the first step toward seeking help and embarking on a journey to recovery.

Symptoms of Benzodiazepine Withdrawal

The signs and symptoms of benzo withdrawal can be unpredictable and rely on various factors.

Benzodiazepines are not intended for long-term use and should be avoided if possible. Even when a person follows the doctor’s instructions, they are considered a Reliable Source of Use. Withdrawal symptoms may appear as early as 3–6 weeks following the start of treatment.

When people take the medicines briefly, the withdrawal symptoms may be minor. However, there is still a chance of experiencing extreme reactions and withdrawal symptoms from the medication.

According to research, 40 percent of patients taking benzos for more than six months reported moderate-to-severe withdrawal symptoms, according to Trusted Source.

Even though not everyone will have the same symptoms, some are more prevalent than others. These are some examples:

  • Hyperventilation
  • Sweating
  • A reduction in body weight
  • Panic attacks
  • Seizures with a grand mal pattern
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • It is possible to have hallucinations or delusions.
  • Alienation from one’s surroundings
  • Anorexia
  • Anxiolytic tremors
  • Having difficulty concentrating
  • Hypersensitivity

Is Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Dangerous?

When not appropriately handled, benzodiazepine withdrawal can be fatal. Suppose you go into withdrawal without first tapering down. In that case, you risk experiencing delirium and hallucinations, which can cause you to lose your sense of reality, which is an unpleasant and extremely dangerous experience. Patients who discontinue benzodiazepines abruptly risk having a life-threatening grand mal seizure, which can be deadly.

Some drugs, like marijuana, are safe to stop alone, but benzodiazepines are not. Most individuals can successfully reduce their benzodiazepines at home with the help of their primary care physician or psychiatrist in San Diego, CA. However, this does not always suggest that you will require inpatient therapy. You should plan to communicate with your doctor regularly during the tapering process, either by phone or in person during office visits.

Benzodiazepine Detox in San Diego

Allowing a person to safely remove all benzodiazepines from their body in a controlled environment is called benzodiazepine detoxification. The detoxification process for benzodiazepines is more challenging than other drugs, such as opiates or cocaine, where the substances can be discontinued promptly during the detoxification phase.

Following that, medicines are administered to treat seizures and other related symptoms. This method reduces the individual’s risks of encountering serious medical repercussions to a bare minimum. This permits them to continue with their new sobriety without fear of having a seizure.

Benzodiazepines are available in a wide range of dosage forms. A person addicted to benzos may also be addicted to Klonopin, Valium, or Xanax. When these prescription medications are abused, they can negatively influence your physical and emotional health. A cold-turkey approach to stopping could endanger your life much more. As a result, it is critical to seek the assistance of medical professionals for benzo detoxification.

As frightening as it may be to admit that you have an addiction issue, detox is the first step toward recovery. We at the Detox Center of San Diego completely understand your feelings. Call us now if you’re seeking a benzodiazepine detox in San Diego, and we’ll be pleased to help you on your way to a drug-free life.


We aim to heal the internal affliction that causes substance abuse disorder in order for each drug addict and alcoholic to experience a fulfilling and successful life in recovery.
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