Drug Detox in San Diego

Detox Center of San Diego

Drug Detox in San Diego

Live in the greater San Diego metro area and struggle with drug addiction. Our detoxification program can help you manage the often unhealthy consequences associated with withdrawal symptoms. Drug detox at the Detox Center of San Diego is not a one-size-fits-all program, as different types of drugs require other interventions to minimize the health risks of getting clean and sober.

What is Drug Detox?

Drug detoxification is the process of cleansing your system of any presence of drugs, including the toxins they produce. Detoxification can take several days or even months to clean the body of harmful drugs such as cocaine, heroin, and fentanyl. The length of a detox program depends on the substance and the length of the dependency on the substance. How you consumed the drug matters as well, such as smoking, snorting, and injecting the illegal substance. The amount of the drug taken during addiction, as well as family history and other types of medical conditions, also play a role in developing an effective drug detox program.

Fentanyl Detox

Although you might want to try detoxifying your body at home to save money, choosing to detox outside the guidance of a formal program can cause more harm to a body that has relied on a certain substance over an extended period. Going “cold turkey” can place a tremendous amount of stress on your body, which can cause potentially harmful and even deadly side effects such as constant seizures and prolonged dehydration.

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The Detoxification Process

Each individual that goes through a drug detox program has unique mental and physical needs that impact health. Most drug detox programs involve completing three broad steps.


A comprehensive evaluation that includes using advanced diagnostic skills reveals the status of a patient’s mental and physical health. Blood tests measure the amount of a banned substance in a patient’s body, which allows a licensed and certified drug abuse practitioner to determine the quantity of the medications required to treat withdrawal symptoms. A comprehensive analysis of a patient’s drug, healthcare, and psychiatric histories also helps form the foundation for a drug detoxification treatment program.

Stabilize the Patient
Stabilization involves implementing medical and psychological therapeutic techniques to prevent withdrawal symptoms from harming a patient. The type of therapy used depends on the severity of the withdrawal symptoms. Some patients simply need time to heal, while others require the prescription of medications that reduce the reliance on consuming an illegal substance. Some medicines also decrease the intensity of withdrawal symptoms.

Preparation for Treatment

Stabilizing a patient is not the same as treating a patient. Using stabilization techniques helps a patient transition from living with drug addiction to living a sober lifestyle. The last stage before treatment is helping a patient understand the treatment process and the expectations associated with ending drug addiction. After you successfully detox at our highly rated facility, continuing with inpatient care during the treatment process gives you the best chance of successfully beating drug addiction.

Detox Programs

Heroin Detox
Heroin addicts typically start to feel withdrawal symptoms between six and 12 hours after the last dose. Withdrawal symptoms frequently feel like dealing with a severe case of the flu, such as enduring muscle aches and an agitated stomach. Heroin’s grip on a patient also can trigger mental health issues, such as acute anxiety and bouts of agitation.

If a heroin detox program is not completed on time, a patient risks developing life-threatening symptoms. Severe dehydration and asphyxiation caused by vomiting are the worst outcomes of heroin withdrawal symptoms.

Completing a supervised drug detox program at our round-the-clock facility is the most effective strategy for overcoming heroin addiction.

Cocaine Detox
Each day, more than 1,800 Americans try cocaine for the first time. Cocaine addiction can be challenging, especially if a patient attempts to treat the addiction outside a detox center. The psychological addiction to cocaine represents the most difficult obstacle to overcome during treatment.

If you live with a cocaine addiction, completing a formal detox program can prevent physical issues from placing you in harm’s way.

Benzodiazepine Detox
Benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms vary in severity, with the most severe cases causing panic attacks, enhanced tension, and long-term sleep disruptions. Medical detoxification from benzodiazepine often requires a slow reduction in the drug consumed by a patient. Many detox programs involve prescribing lower amounts of the drug until a patient no longer needs to take the drug to combat withdrawal symptoms.

Meth Detox
Highly addictive, methamphetamine requires a three-stage process for detoxification. A thorough review by one of our therapists leads to the second stage, in which a patient starts a customized detox program at our San Diego facility. The third stage involves treating the sometimes life-threatening drug addiction. After detoxing from meth, the therapist assigned to your case starts a treatment program. Undergoing meth detox requires most patients to seek help under the supervision of a certified therapist at a rehabilitation facility.

Fentanyl Detox
Fentanyl abuse has become a serious drug addiction problem in the United States. The physical symptoms of fentanyl withdrawal include nausea, stomach cramps, and prolonged insomnia. Mental symptoms, such as wild mood swings and the development of depression symptoms, prevent patients from engaging in personal and professional interactions.

Detoxification might involve taking medications that minimize the withdrawal symptoms often associated with fentanyl abuse.

Prescription Drugs Detox
Prescription drug abuse has become an epidemic in the United States, primarily because of the ease of accessing prescription drugs. Withdrawal symptoms can be highly intense and, in some cases, life-threatening. Under the supervision of one of our experienced therapists, detoxing from prescription drugs might include taking certain medications that decrease the severity of withdrawal symptoms.

Detoxing on your own is not recommended because of the potential for making withdrawal symptoms worse.